Welcome !! To Super Global Sefty Security Services..

Company Profile

SUPER GLOBAL SEFTY SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. is a leading security and housekeeping company capable of meeting all security needs of its client, to their entire satisfaction. We have a good team of professionals for providing reliable and cost-effective security solutions for the protection of life and property. A correct blend of skills and resources developed and perfected by us, has enabled us to provide unparallel and intensive security services to some of the highly reputed and well known industries and big institutions. The strength of our organisation lies in the quality of services we provide.... Our clients can look to a single organisation to fulfill all their security requirements right from consultancy, training technology and Investigation to physical guarding. We SUPER GLOBAL SEFTY SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. are totally committed to provide maximum security solution at the minimum cost. " The expertise and experience of our highly qualifiea staff. Not only assure the highest level of service and accuracy for your protection, but also provides a security plans which suits your budget. All our security plans and systems are exclusively tailored to meet your varied security needs, ensuring through and professional approach in every assignment, we undertake. This is precisely the reason why a broad array of client have choose to continue their association with us.

Our Quality

SUPER GLOBAL SEFTY SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. People believe that theperformance of an organisation is solely dependent on the quality of its personnel and that our people are, indeed, our greatest strength. Consequently we invest heavily on our humand resources in order to keep them abreast with the changing trends in the security industry, for a better and secure environment for our clients. By providing fair and decent rates of pay and terms & conditions of employment we keep our entire workiorce happy, so that, in turn, they keep you secure.

Why Choose Quality?

At SUPER GLOBAL SEFTY SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. Regd. we have adopted the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept which cna be condensed into the following doctrines.

  • To primary responsibility of quality lies with the guard doing the work, but management of quality is crucial to company survival and merits the attention and commitment of top management.
  • To enable the operation department to accept the responsibility of quality, management of must establish systems. These systems should be able to control and verify service and must educate and indoctrinate the workforce in its operations.
  • The cost of training and supervision and other cost incurred for quality are repaid many times over by increased clientele, prevention of loss of contracts, higher profits, a quality product a n d Most importantly - a better life for its users.

SUPER GLOBAL SEFTY SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. Provides our valued customers with Total Security and Facility Solutions tailored to your needs Mahavir SUPER GLOBAL SEFTY SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. Provides services converging the following.